“Ave Vita” team surprises listeners with their youthful charm, enthusiasm, mastery of their performances and the variety of concert repertoire.“Ave Vita” Choir – “Gaudeamus”, a member of national and Baltic student songs and dances, festivals and competitions, many international competitions held in Darmstadt (Germany), Heythuysen (Holland), Valetta (Malta), Montreux and Neuchatel (Switzerland), Athens (Greece), Cantonigros (Spain), Neerpelt (Belgium), Veldhoven (Holland), Ankara (Turkey), Olomouc (Czech Republic) and others winner. Choir successfully participated in international festivals and concerts in the USA, Mexico, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Hungary, Russia, Poland, France, Latvia, Slovakia, Spain and others. Due to its international presence, “Ave Vita” has been awarded the Golden Bird nomination “Star of International Glory”. This is the highest rating in Lithuania.
The ensemble performs around 40-50 concerts a year at universities, schools, churches and concert halls. The repertoire consists of works of varying complexity: religious pieces and popular melodies, opuses by Lithuanian and foreign authors, harmonised folk songs from Lithuania and other nations. The choir’s programme also includes large-scale works, which it has performed with the student symphony orchestras of the University of Bonn, the Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, and the University of Nebraska at Omaha Symphony Wind Orchestra (USA), Vilnius Amateur Music Orchestra, Vilnius Symphony Orchestra, Lithuanian National Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra, State Wind Orchestra “Trumpet”, Lithuanian Army Wind Orchestra, etc.
Under the leadership of the charming and youthful director Kastytis Barisas, the choir successfully launched its musical career on television in 2009. The first and successful performance of the choir took place in 2009, in the musical project “Lietuvos balsai” organised by LRT. In 2010, the choir took part in the musical project “Žvaigždžių duetai” together with Vaida Genytė, as well as assisting E. Andrulis and R. Stoškuviene, Mia and G. Leščinskas. Later, the choir was invited to various TV concerts and projects, such as “Auksinis balsas”, where it performed with Jurga Šeduikytė, Vaidas Baumila, Karina Krysko-Skambinė and Paulius Bagdonavičius, and in the project “Dvi žvaigždės” with Ramūnas Difartas and the “VIG Roses” girls.
Another very important project of the choir is the theatrical presentation of the National Costumes – the concert “Raštų pynė”. This is a unique project that presents authentic Lithuanian national costumes. Five regions of Lithuania at that time (Aukštaitija, Žemaitija, Suvalkija, Dzūkija, Klaipėda region) and Lithuanian folk songs belonging to each region. The choir has travelled extensively in Lithuania and abroad, including Russia (2010 and 2011), Hungary (2011), Germany (2013) and Belarus (2015).