Capoeira – VMU Brazilian martial art club
Capoeira is Brazilian martial art which combines dance, music and acrobatics. It is a dialogue of two players who are communicating through the movement which may have various meanings. The discussion on where and when Capoeira was born is still a topic of historical debates. One thing is certain: African descendants had a huge impact for the formation of this art. The most popular version of its creation is the one which says that the descendants were not able to protect themselves from the landlords and their weapons, and did not have an opportunity to fight for their freedom. Therefore, after their long workday, they were gathering by the fire to sing and dance. Men were dancing ritual martial movements which soon happened to grow into fighting trainings concealed by some choreographic elements. The vast majority of Capoeira styles originated in the 1st half of XX century. Capoeira became legal again in the 1932, thanks to the work of father of regional Capoeira, Mestre Bimba. However, this is only the beginning of the history.
Unlike the other martial arts, Capoeira should be called a game, but not a fight. In Portuguese it would be called as Jogo or the game. Jogo is being played by two capoeira artists in a centre of a circle (Roda) which is formed of other Capoeira artists and observers. This game differs from others by its intensity and dynamics. Ginga (movement which is elusive to a dance) allows our players to move constantly. In the game of the Capoeira the most common attacks are made by legs but not arms or hands. Wrestling actions are common as well. However, there are no active blocks in Capoeira and player has to avoid the kicks by using elements of retreat. Capoeira has a wide range of different moves, which are used for communication of two players. One of the most stunning is Capoeira’s acrobatics, which is called Floreio or flower. Good player of the Capoeira has to know his or her own body and has to control it. Ido Portal once said: “Control your body or go home”.
We are waiting for everyone who wants to get to know to capoeira, because understanding it means experiencing and seeing this amazing harmony of moves and rhythm.