All news

New Heads of the “Linago” Ensemble: Students, Join Us on Our Creative Journey!
The new heads of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Arts Centre’s folklore ensemble "Linago," Rūta Klungevičiūtė and Vidmantas Paleckis, are excited to welcome all those who are passionate about music, dance, and community. "Join us on a creative journey where tradition meets modernity, and ne...

Registration Opens for VMU Arts Centre Activities in the Spring Semester
All Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) students are invited to register and join the artistic activities organized by the VMU Arts Centre for the spring semester of the academic year of 2024/2025. All VMU students, regardless of their field of study or faculty/academy location, can participate in t...

Students are invited to join the newly formed VMU Folklore Ensemble “Linago”
We invite students to join the newly formed Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) folklore ensemble "Linago"! All students are welcome to learn a variety of sonorous Lithuanian folk songs, sophisticated Liithuanian polyphonic part-song, play the kanklės, and blow on traditional Lithuanian instruments ...

Registration for VMU Arts Centre collectives is now open
From August 26th all of Vytautas Magnus University students are invited to register and join the Arts Centre’s collectives in the autumn semester of 2024/2025. All VMU students are eligible to attend the activities of the art groups, regardless of where and what they are studying (e.g., if you ...

During VMU Orientation Days, we invite you to explore the activities of the VMU Arts Centre
On Monday, 26 August, the VMU Orientation Days 2024 events will begin. While exploring the university and the opportunities it offers, all first-year students are invited to participate in activities organized by the VMU Arts Centre. On Tuesday, 27 August, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the Student Sq...

VMU Academic Choir “Vivere Cantus” at the concert of the 35th anniversary of the restoration of VMU
On April 25-26, 2024, Vytautas Magnus University will celebrate the 35th anniversary of its restoration: on April 26-28, 1989, the idea of restoring the University was launched. The re-established VMU became the first university in Lithuania to adopt the study model of Harvard University (USA) and t...